some time I have known that there are visitors or residents from
civilizations beyond Earth living within our seas. The dolphins and
whales have made this clear to me.
In addition, I have on occasion, personally witnessed UFOs entering and departing from the ocean. It is safe to assume that an advanced civilization with vehicles that are capable of deep space travel will also be capable of operating under water. Both conditions require completely self-contained systems aboard the vehicles. Space beings who prefer to observe us and assist us unseen, would wisely use the ocean environment for their base.
ŠJean-Luc Bozzoli
When my friend, Kinsley Jarrett drew pictures of space ships equipped with large pools for cetaceans,
I knew he was depicting the scenes within the ships exactly as he had
seen them and exactly as the dolphins had explained them to me.
that the oceans and seas cover about three quarters of the surface of
the globe (71%). Although we as a human race are just beginning to
explore reefs and other formations that cover the ocean floors, ETs
with their advanced technology have been using the seas as their home
base for centuries. From there, they measure levels of
spiritual/physical progress, electromagnetic waves, chemical
permutations and nuclear energy on the planet. Since this planet is not
a solid mass but is hollow, I understand there are also civilizations
living within the Earth’s crust in the same way civilizations live
within most of the other occupied planets of our solar system. Earth is
actually one of the rare planets with life on the outer surface. These
inner Earth civilizations can be accessed thru a number of different
openings in the sea; most notable are the openings at the Poles which
can be seen while flying over the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Continent.
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd explored and mapped the North and South
Poles. In his journals he wrote about his journey beyond the North
Pole, through the polar opening to a temperate area of mountains,
lakes, rivers, vegetation and life forms. You can read about it in his
published journal.
I have learned that the inner Earth holds even more water than all of
the water on the surface. In a press release dated March 7, 2002
Japanese researchers from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, stated
that they conducted experiments in their labs that indicate there may
be more H2O deep underground than in all oceans, lakes and rivers
combined. In fact there appears to be five to ten times as much water
in the Earth than on the surface. This truly makes us a water planet.
sightings of UFOs traversing the ocean are not new. On June 18, 1845
according to the Malta Times (Malta is a group of islands in the
Mediterranean south of Sicily. A British colony until 1964) “ ….we find
the brigantine Victoria some 900 miles east of Adalia, when her crew
saw three luminous bodies emerge from the sea into the air. They were
visible for ten minutes, flying a half mile from the ship.” There were
other witnesses who saw this same UFO phenomena from Adalia, Syria and
Malta. The luminous bodies each displayed an apparent diameter larger
than the size of the full moon!
22 March 1870, in the equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the
sailors of the English corvette Lady of the Lake saw a curious object
(like a cloud in the sky). It was a cloud in a lenticular form with a
long tail, and it ADVANCED AGAINST THE WIND. This form was visible for
an hour, wrote Captain F.W. Banner in the ship’s log. The drawing by
Banner in his log looked extraordinarily like a flying saucer.”
are thousands of these reported sightings, many with pictures as well.
In addition there are reports of bases off the coast of different
countries, such as northern South America; Puerto Rico; Russia; under
the North Sea; Scotland; Patagonia Coast, Argentina; Azores Islands, Portugal; Spain; Canaries; Canada; Japan; USA; Dominican Republic; Spitzbergen, Norway; Newfoundland and others.
example in July of 1967, a Dutch multi-national businessman was
contacted in the Oostscheld, below Amsterdam, by extraterrestrial
beings who said they came from a place called Iarga,
some 11 light years from our sun as we calculate distance. They were
observing us from underwater and they allowed this man to visit the
spacecraft in its underwater location. This is a very well documented
case filling more than 400 pages of a book called “UFO Contact From Planet Iarga.”
Graham Bethune, U.S. Navy (retired) was flying his military plane from
Iceland to Newfoundland on February 10, 1951 when he saw a UFO coming
out of the water. He was about 300 miles from his destination, when …
“we saw a glow on the water like approaching a city at night. As we
approached this glow it turned to a monstrous circle of white lights on
the water. Then we saw a yellow halo, small, much smaller than whatever
it was launched from. It was 15 miles away.” He continues to describe
this sighting, as the UFO approached his plane and flew alongside it.
“We could see the craft. It had a dome, we could see the corona
discharge …… “
witness for the Disclosure Project, presented at the National Press
Club on May 9, 2001 in Washington DC is Dan Willis, U.S. Navy. He
worked in the code room of the communication station in San Francisco.
He received a priority message, classified as Secret, from a military
ship near Alaska. “The ship reported, emerging out of the ocean, near
port bow, a brightly glowing, reddish-orange elliptical object
approximately 70 feet in diameter. It shot out of the water traveling
at about 700 mph. This was tracked on ships radar and substantiated.”
There are many instances of sightings such as these, documented in books such as “UFO Contact from Undersea” by Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo (privately published by Wendelle C. Stevens, 1982) ; “Underwater and Underground Bases” by Dr. Richard Sauder (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001); and
Residents: A Disquisition upon Certain Matters Maritime, and the
Possibility of Intelligent Life under the Waters of This Earth,
by Ivan T. Sanderson, 1970 (The World Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio)
Often these bases are located near areas of deep-water basins, such as the Puerto Rico Trench not far from the sanctuary of the Humpback whales in the Caribbean that we visit every year. (Seminar: Whales of the Caribbean)
There is a reason why the dolphins and whales are calling us to these specific areas for swimming with them in the ocean.
One day during a Dolphins, Whales and ET Seminar in Kona, Hawaii,
we were enjoying a wonderful swim with Spinner dolphins. Looking up, we
saw a huge gray lenticular cloud above us. My ET friends, known as the
Arcturians, had told me that their 5th dimensional spacecraft, being
similar in consistency and density to our beautiful cloud formations,
often appear in our skies as lenticular clouds. As I directed the
attention of the group to the cloud, we felt a great field of energy
swirling around us. The dolphins swimming nearby began spinning and
leaping out of the water. Suddenly, a Humpback Whale came to the
surface and breached. Our boat captain called the swimmers out of the
water. (People are not permitted to swim with Humpbacks in Hawaii.) As
we boarded the boat, a baby whale began breaching, over and over. Soon
we were in the midst of leaping dolphins and whales. The swirling
energy became more forceful as the gray elliptical cloud hovered above
us and we stood mesmerized on the bow of the boat.
large waterspout formed on our starboard side. In all of my decades of
ocean experiences, I have never seen anything like this before. The
waterspout was swirling in a spiral and lifting water from the surface
of the ocean into the air, creating a raging whirlwind. As we grasped
the boat railings for support, another waterspout formed on the Port
side of our boat. Then a third one appeared at the bow. We were now
surrounded by a triangle of spiraling waters. The dome-shaped cloud
seemed to descend toward us. The wind was increasing in intensity. We
thought we would be swept up into the ship. The captain was concerned
about this sudden ‘weather’ condition and said, “Let’s get out of
here!” Starting the engine, he turned the boat away. My friend, Penny
and I continued to watch the ship hovering above us, and attempted to
communicate with its occupants.
our boat pulled away we noticed a gray military airplane, a converted
Boeing 707, circling repeatedly beneath the ‘cloud.’ This was our last
view as our boat left the area. Jean-Luc Bozzoli recorded parts of this
event on a video.
dolphins have told me about the presence of an underwater ET vehicle in
this very Bay. On many occasions we are swimming in this Bay when the
dolphin pods swim to the northern section and suddenly disappear.
Traveling north in our boat, we cannot see them anywhere. This is
unusual. Where
did the dolphins go? There have also been numerous occasions when
suddenly a large pod of unfamiliar dolphins appear, swimming to us from
this northern section. These dolphins have no familiar markings that I
can recognize. They are from a new pod, not the ones normally swimming
with us. Even boat captains have commented, saying, “Where did those
dolphins come from? I have been watching the coastline and there were
no dolphins in sight. They suddenly appeared out of nowhere!” It is
true, they do appear from nowhere. They come from the depths of that
Bay where they interact with the underwater space ship that is resting,
or hovering below.
As my friend, Kinsley Jarrett
has illustrated in his drawings, the dolphins are able to enter these
facilities underwater, communicate and remain there until their work on
the ship is completed. Then they or another dolphin pod, return to swim
with us again.
Excerpt from Sheldan Nidle and Galactic Federation
January 14, 2003
We return, dear Hearts! Today, we will continue the discussion of our
fleet and include some new information about your 'cocoons' - your
subterranean residences. Our first contact fleet is divided into
several 'rings', the innermost of which is commanded from the Mars
bases, and from a large group of special Motherships located just
beyond Neptune. The Motherships where some of you will reside initially
are stationed on the far side of your moon. These ships are primarily
from the Pleiades, and from star-nations in the constellations of Lyra
and Andromeda. Some Sirian atmospheric command ships will also be used
for this purpose. According to our master plan, we will await the
forthcoming announcements and, once they have been made, proclaim our
existence and affirm our benevolence. Then, we will encourage full
disclosure of the now super-secret UFO government files. We will also
support full disclosure by key government and military personnel of
what has actually occurred, over eighty years, during secret projects,
agreements and meetings conducted most often with the former Anchara
……….. Heaven will appear frequently before you, in the form of your
earthly Ascended Masters. They will clarify Heaven's divine decrees and
explain to you the overall intentions of the divine plan. Through these
inspiring messages, you will be given a direct connection to Heaven. We
will use their words to prevent the remaining negative elements on your
world from interfering with your great works. Thus, we will begin a
program that allows you to visit our Motherships and tour our bases. We
have nothing to hide. Soon, dear Ones, you, too, will provide your own
fleets and join us in exploring the rest of physical Creation! Consider
this a time of marvelous transition, in which you will metamorphose
into fully conscious, physical Angels. To be such extraordinary Beings
of Light is your true destiny; it is the primary reason for your
ongoing transformation. We know the amount of Light that you contain.
Use this divine wisdom to guide you toward creating a truly
magnificent, new reality.
Our tours will begin soon after your governments officially announce us
and reveal our benevolence to the world. We will also assist you in
encouraging swift adaptation of many now-suppressed and/or covert
technologies. To them, we will add our own. It is essential for your
global society to work diligently to clean up earth's severely polluted
environment. Now, you must also acknowledge your fellow sentient Beings
- the cetaceans. All nations on your globe need to recognize this
aquatic 'cetacean nation' as such. They must pass and strictly enforce
laws to ban the killing or abusing of these creatures. You, dear
Hearts, form part of a triumvirate whose sole concern is the protection
and sustenance of your beautiful home - Mother Earth. Its other two
members are the many orders of Ascended Masters and the numerous
species of whales and dolphins that inhabit your oceans and rivers.
Together, you have come to help Mother Earth and to preserve her
diverse ecosystem.
Initially, you will visit ships belonging to our fleet that have been
observing you for millennia. They are vast, sentient and designed to
educate you in the workings of galactic society. Their crews consist of
a diversified group of specially trained humans. As mentioned in our
previous report, these ships are not simply Pleiadean or Andromedan,
but carry uniquely varied crews. During the course of your tour, we
will encourage you to wander about and to ask a multitude of questions.
Know, also, that some of you will be allowed to remain longer than
others. We will use this additional time to familiarize you with who we
are. Some of you will be invited to become liaisons for our mission of
first contact. We need to set up a network on your world to teach you
about our cultures, about your forthcoming role in the Galactic
Federation of Light and about us. The bare beginnings of such a network
already exist on your world.
We will need a vast number of official earthly facilitators who really
'know' us and can easily pass on this knowledge to others.
Our tours will be open to the entire population of your planet. Our
Motherships are immense, capable of accommodating great masses of
people, if need be. At these times, you will experience the sentiency
of each ship and a technology that will truly astound you. Those of you
who visit our bases will also notice that each area of the base seems
alive. The interactive nature of our technology will be unfamiliar to
you. It reflects an outlook that at first may embarrass you. The base
and its inhabitants keep no secrets from one another. During the time
you are there, you will become fully telepathic. Indeed, we must
caution you that your every thought will be exposed. This living
'psychic' network, the foundation of our life and work, will form an
active example of the new reality that you are about to enter.
The subterranean residences where you will be dwelling are designed
solely to help you complete the transition to full consciousness. They
are now fully ready for occupancy. You will be brought there for two
reasons: first, to assist in the completion of your amazing transition
and second, to allow the smooth and unrestricted transformation of
Mother Earth. In these surroundings, you will be protected from the
widespread chaos that will overlay the Earth: the succession of massive
earthquakes, the final melting of the polar icecaps and the enormous
escalation in global volcanism. The changes in Mother Earth's
atmosphere will be equally dramatic. You will emerge to discover a new
world. There, you will be able to assume your guardianship and to lay
claim to new homes, formed from your own abilities and true desires, in
your new crystal cities of Inner Earth.
Today, we have discussed some of the plans that we have developed for
first contact. As ever, we remain fully committed to this mission's
success. To that end, we have made all necessary efforts to ensure that
forthcoming announcements will be made and that this event will lead us
into the final stage of first contact. We now take our leave.
Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that Heaven's
unending Supply and Abundance is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!
Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)
I am interested to hear of your experiences with Underwater Bases & Vehicles.